Hi, I am Nikhil, a Machine Learning Engineer. Know more about me.
I have created video tutorials on topics related to Machine Learning. The first one is on Object Detection. There are more than 5000 subscirbers currently. Since I have taken up a full time job, I may not be adding any more videos any time soon.
There are many tutorials online that cover topics more broadly. For example, they might teach you CNNs, RNNs, GANs, RL etc. I would consider these to be the meta concepts or the basic building blocks with which you can build higher level stuff. These tutorials are already good and there is no point repeating them.
My intention was to pick a domain and cover all the important topics in that domain. Irrespective of what meta concept they might be using.
1. Evolution of Object Detection Networks
Topic on Object Detection.
You can find the detailed video tutorials on YouTube.
A brief version of this tutorial is available as a blog here.
In this course, I have covered some of the important papers in this field like:
- Dalal & Triggs Detector, which uses Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG)
- Deformable Parts Model (DPM)
- Corner Detection & SIFT, intuitions
- Overfeat
- Selective Search
- Edge Boxes
- Bag of Visual Words (BoW)
- Spatial Pyramid Matching
- Spatial Pyramid Pooling Network (SPPNet)
- Faster RCNN
In the above list, the ones that are in bold, are covered in detail. The ones that are in italic, I have given just enough info, to either make it easy to understand the subsequent topics or to provide some additional context. If time permits, I might also cover RFCN, SSD, YOLO.
I have covered Faster RCNN in detail, including a demo of outputs at different points of the network. I have also shown a short code walkthrough of the Network Architecture of Faster RCNN.
Also, note that, I have concentrated more on the concepts and intuitions, rather than math or code. So, before you start, you can decide if this kind of content suits you.
Last but not the least, I have also included some additional materials in case you are new to this field. These include:
- Evaluating ML models, where you will learn about
- Precision, Recall & F1 Scores
- F1 Scores vs Accuracy
- True Positive (TP), False Positive (FP), True Negative (TN), False Negative (FN)
- Sensitivity, Specificity, False Positive Rate, True Positive Rate
- Precision-Recall Curves
- Receiver Operating Characteristic Curves
- Calculating the above measures for Object Detection
- Intersection over Union (IoU)
- Calculating TP, FP, TN, FN using IoU
- Average Precision
- 11-Point Interpolatiion & All Point Interpolation
- Mean Average Precision
- CNN Basics
- Here, I will give a short intro to Convolutional Neural Networks. I have only covered the intuitions without going into details.
In case, you are familiar with the above topics, feel free to skip them and take up the rest of the course.
In this course, I did not go into the basics of Machine Learning. I assume that you already are aware of the basic concepts.
But, in case, you are new to ML, don’t worry. What I have done is to give you just enough overview about ML, so that you can continue to the course on Object Detection, without any issues.
If you are interested in the basics of Machine Learning, you can go through these:
Michael Nielsen’s Tutorial: (recommended)
Andrew Ng’s ML playlist: (recommended)
Stanford Univ’s Notes: (recommended)
NPTEL Deep Learning - part 1 (recommended, very under-rated)
NPTEL Deep Learning - part 2 (recommended)
Long intro with TensorFlow & MNIST: (optional)
I grossly underestimated the amount of time it would take to create video courses. I initially thought, it would just take 1 or 1.5 months, but actually I ended up taking more than 6 months, full-time. I realised, Video/Audio recording is not for the faint hearted!